List of Wineries
in WineriesVia Meucci, n.40, Venice, Veneto 36040, ItalyThe winery is dainty and uses sophisticated technologies to produce wines in quantity with excellent quality
in WineriesVia Passo Lampol, n.17, Venice, Veneto 30020, ItalyIt is a family-run farm that produces and bottles a small range of wines from native vines made within the finest appellations of Veneto region
in WineriesVia San Pio X, n. 17, Venice, Veneto 31010, ItalyThe company focuses on the cultivation of a massive range of grapes. It includes high-quality Glera, Chardonnay, Verduzzo, Manzoni Bianco, Merlot, Cabernt Sauvignon,and Shiraz
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