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The lands of Piacenza are extremely varied: the peaks of the Apennines overlook rolling hills offering microclimates ideal for producing exceptional wines. Val Tidone, Val Luretta, Val Trebbia, Val Nure and Val d'Arda open on the Po Valley, allowing

It is a journey through the fruits of a land still little known, begun with the ambition of reinventing tradition, paying homage to the people who have formed it over the centuries. It is a journey made of meetings, in which every gesture is transformed into a dialogue with nature that allows us to rediscover the territory day after day through the voices of those who have made its history. Luretta is an experience: an immersion in taste, history and ideas that are intertwined in the Colli Piacentini.

Italian Living
Italian Living
Via Monte Napoleone 8
Milan 20121

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