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Demetrio Stancati, the owner, revived the vineyards in 1995 with careful selection of the indigenous vines that have been on the farm for a long time. The state-of-the-art wine cellar with the most modern technology and barrel room for aging wines en

The company is represented by a heritage of 40 hectares of land and 30 ha of it dedicated for vineyards and produces 280 thousands bottles per year. All this under the careful guidance of the General Director, Dr. Raffaele Senatore, whose love for the land prompted him to devote himself completely to the wine creation project, to confirm the ancient testimony of competence and traditions that belong to the family, spreading the name of Senatore wines and the wine culture of Calabria around the world.

Italian Living
Italian Living
Via Monte Napoleone 8
Milan 20121

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