List of Wineries
in WineriesC.da Rose, Lamezia Terme, Calabria 87010, ItalyThe winery has over 213 hectares of vines, which combined with their technologically enhanced cellars, allow the winery to produce 31,000 hL of wine annually. The winery has lent special care to the bottling since birth and the product is selected af
in WineriesVia bivio s.s. 106 snc, Strongoli, Calabria 88811, ItalySince its inception, the winery has paid particular attention to bottling and the product to be bottled is selected after a thorough examination carried out with genuine wine passion, deep competence and professional conscience. The whole system is i
in WineriesContrada Braudiano Snc, San Michele di Serino, Campania 83040, ItalyThe ancient village of Castelfranci, thanks to its geographical position and to an average altitude between 400-600m, is rich in vineyards capable of producing high quality wines. The Mediterranean climate with the right amount of humidity ensures th
in WineriesCda Barbassano Snc, San Michele di Serino, Campania 83052, ItalyWe have converted all our vineyards and the olive grove to organic farming, with a circular economy project that revolves around the well-being of our farm and the products we make.
in WineriesVia Poggiberna, n.89, Castellina Marittima, Campania 56040, ItalyWe are a small family-run business that since its establishment in 2009, has chosen the path of organic and biodynamic farming, unable to accept the paradox imposed by "chemical" agriculture of using poisons to produce food, harmful to human health a
in WineriesVia Panzacchi, n. 16, Bologna, Emilia-Romagna 40064, ItalyThe varietals grown on the land are Sangiovese, Chardonnay, Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Petit VerdotThe varietals grown on the land are Sangiovese, Chardonnay, Merlot, Cabernet Franc and Petit VerdotThe varietals grown on the land are Sangiovese, Char
in WineriesVia Manzotti, n.7, Quattro Castella, Emilia-Romagna 42122, ItalyThe vineyards, like the rest of the farm, are certified organic. The grape varieties are the local ones: Malvasia di Candia Aromatica, Lambrusco Marani, Lambrusco Salamino, Lambrusco Oliva, Lambrusco Maestri, Lambrusco Grasparossa, Malbo Gentile, a
in WineriesLoc. Casa Benna, Alseno, Emilia-Romagna 29014, ItalySince 2011 we are members of F.I.V.I. Federazione Italiana Vignaioli Indipendenti. Since 2012 we have joined the Campagna Amica foundation, a direct sales point where we can find our wines from Piacenza and since 2019 we have become part of the Piace
in WineriesLocalit Celleri, Alseno, Emilia-Romagna 29013, ItalyOn an area of 120 Piacenza poles, our vineyards are conducted in organic farming. Therefore the soil is naturally grassy, the vines are 20 to 40 years old, the deep roots and moderate vigor help to overcome even the most difficult vintages, the quant
in WineriesVia San Martino, n.10, Bologna, Emilia-Romagna 40043, ItalyBiodynamic agriculture was immediately put into practice in our farm, following principles that come from afar, but applied in a simple and critical way. From this work are born our wines produced with natural winemaking techniques. The varieties we
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