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This house is adorned with a serenade macabre from the Counter-Reformation period.

Cassiglio is a tiny village along Val Brembana, in the Bergamo Alps. As of 2017, it was home to just over 100 inhabitants. For years, the overall trend has been downward, as the young seek better prospects in urban areas, and the old die away. Although charming as the surroundings may be, this village is quite ordinary, with one solitary exception: Casa Milesi. One side of the house, also known as Ca’ Milesi, is decorated with an eye-catching painting. Seven characters are represented in a line, as if they belong to a theatrical representation. Starting from the left, two musicians can be seen, apparently hired to serenade the young, well-dressed damsel at the window. The suitor is the young, elegant gentleman that appears to the right of the window. Both the damsel and the gentlemen are blissfully lost in their romance, ignorant of the ephemeral nature of their existence, but death is lurking surreptitiously behind them and is about to shoot an arrow that will doom them for eternity. Their fate is already sealed, and it can safely be assumed that they will end up chained to death in the same way that old couple

Italian Living
Italian Living
Via Monte Napoleone 8
Milan 20121

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