Must See Places
List of Must See Places
Strada Nuova, 65, Montecalvo Versiggia, Lombardy 27100, ItalyWhat better way to honor a pioneering anatomist than by preserving his severed head like a specimen?
Piazza del Nettuno, Bologna, Emilia-Romagna 40124, ItalyThe striking memorial commemorates the thousands of Bolognese men and women who died fighting fascists during World War II.
Via Scipione l'Africano, Naples, Campania 80014, ItalyScipio Africanus once lived in this Roman town.
Via Alloro, 4, Palermo, Sicily 90133, ItalyThe uncanny fresco celebrating the "triumph of death" was divided into four pieces for transportation.
Via Cavour, 1, Padernello, Brescia, Veneto 25022, ItalyAfter years of neglect, a stately castle has been restored in the northern Italian countryside.
Viale Lecco, 9, Como, Lombardy 22100, ItalyUnder a car park lies a Roman bath from the 1st century CE.
Via delle Tombe Etrusche, 2, Tarquinia, Tarquinia, Lazio 1016, ItalyIn the fresco-adorned tombs of an ancient Etruscan civilization, one can glimpse the afterlife.
Via Barlassina, 1, Rome, Lazio 188, ItalyUntil the early 20th century, the meaning of this triumphal Roman arch was a mystery.
Contrada Marziolla, Locorotondo, Castellana Grotte, Apulia 70010, ItalyIt is the oldest known example of a UNESCO-recognized architectural style.
Via da Monte, 28, Alba, Cese di Preturo, Abruzzo 67050, ItalyThe small village of Albe in the Abruzzo region remained loyal to Roma until an earthquake devastated it.
- Must See Places - 1829
- Garden - 1
- Catholic church - 1
- Museum - 5
- Archaeological museum - 1
- Art gallery - 1