An extravagant Italian village that once existed is now a run-down ghost town that nobody really knows what to do with.
The small town of Leri Cavour changed hands a number of times during its centuries-worth of history. Today, it seems that no one wants to take responsibility for the once promising community and its once stately buildings are simply falling into decay. The area that is now known as Leri Cavour has long been an exemplar of agricultural growth. Having been the site of a religious order as far back as the 15th century, the land was used to grow grain and other crops as the farmers’ processes evolved. The rural production thrived until the land was acquired by Napoleon who then sold it off to help pay a debt, which is how it found its way into the hands of the Marquis Michele Benso di Cavour whose name would be added to the town that later sprang up. Cavour went to work updating the buildings and farming processes on the land, establishing Leri Cavour proper including an intricately decorated mansion. The town became a state-of-the-art farming community by the mid-1800s. Unfortunately this was not to last as stewardship of the land was passed around between a number of people, which proved too much for the town to survive. By the late 1960s, Leri